International Conferences Presentations
I have actively participated in several International/national conferences (e.g., AGU, ASABE, ASABE-OS, EWRI, OGWR) to deliver oral and poster presentations
Conferences/ presentations (Oral/posters)
Arshad, A., Mirchi, A., He, C., et al. (2023). Noah-MP Simulated 40-Year Groundwater Decline in the Oglala Aquifer: Implications of Irrigation Systems and Irrigator Decisions. South Dakota Student Water Conference. Brookings, SD. October 10th. [Oral Presentation].
Tran, T. N. D., Tapas, M., Tran, V., Arshad, A., Nguyen, B. Q., Do, S. K., ... & Etheridge, J. R. (2023). Comparison of SWAT and SWAT+: Review and Recommendations. AGU23 [Oral Presentation].
Arshad, A., Mirchi, A., Shafeeque, M., et al. (2023). Implications of Net Radiation Fluxes on Hydrological Behavior in Glaciated Catchments of the Indus Basin: A Noah-MP Model Approach. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2023. California, USA. [Poster Presentation]
Arshad, A., Mirchi, A., He, C., et al. (2023). Conjunctive Groundwater Irrigation Can Enhance Flash Drought Resilience in Irrigated Indus Basin. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2023. California, USA. [Poster Presentation]
Arshad, A., Mirchi, A. (2023). Spatially distributed quantification of groundwater-energy-CO2 nexus of different cropping systems in the Irrigated Indus Basin. ASABE Annual International Meeting 2022. Hilton Omaha Nebraska and CHI Health Center. Abstract ID: 2301039. [Oral Presentation].
Umar, M., Mirchi, A., Arshad, A. (2022). An integrated approach to analyze the potential impacts of anthropogenic and climate-induced proxies on groundwater sustainability in the irrigated Indus basin (IIB). Oklahoma Governor's Water Conference, Oklahoma, USA. [Oral Presentation].
Umar, M., Mirchi, A., Arshad, A. (2022). Geospatial approach to mapping groundwater risk in the irrigated Indus basin. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, USA. Abstract ID: 1133526. [Poster Presentation].
Arshad, A., Mirchi, A., Taghvaeian, S. (2022). A Hybrid Machine Learning (ML) Model to downscale GRACE data for improved quantification of water storage changes in the Indus basin. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, USA. Abstract ID: 1122375. [Poster Presentation].
Arshad, A., Mirchi, A., Vilcaez, J., Umar, M. A. (2022). Reconstructing gap-filled groundwater level database for defective observational wells in the Irrigated Indus Basin. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, USA. Abstract ID: 1137228. [Poster Presentation].
Mirchi, A., Sammimi, M., Mansaray, A., Arshad, A. (2022). Implications of Environmental Water Allocation Scenarios for Agricultural Water Availability in a Desert River Basin. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, USA. Abstract ID: 1137228. [Poster Presentation].
Arshad, A., Mirchi, A. (2022). Combining GRACE data with SWAT to improve the estimation of watershed-scale groundwater storage and depletion variations in an irrigated Indus basin. EWRI Congress, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Abstract ID# 1103729. [Oral Presentation].
Arshad, A., Mirchi, A. (2021). Spatially distributed groundwater footprints of cropping systems in the Irrigated Indus Basin (IIB). ASABE Annual International Meeting 2022, Houston, Texas, USA. Abstract ID: 2200477 [Oral Presentation].